Watch My Mom’s a Werewolf online
Can you stream the Comedy & Horror movie My Mom’s a Werewolf, directed by Michael Fischa & starring Diana Barrows, John Saxon, Susan Blakely & Tina Caspary on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: My Mom’s a Werewolf
The frustrated housewife Leslie visits an animal shop to purchase a flea-collar. Unknowing that the owner is a werewolf, she accepts his invitation to lunch and later in his apartment. ...
Its release date is Saturday November 11, 1989
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Its release date is Saturday November 11, 1989
Production details
Director | Michael Fischa |
Cast | Diana Barrows, John Saxon, Susan Blakely & Tina Caspary |
Genre | Comedy & Horror |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1989-11-11 |
Theme | Infidelity, Man & Women |
Script | Mark Pirro |
Cinematography | Bryan England |
Music | Dana Walden |
Runtime | 90 min |