Watch Notes for My Son online

Can you stream the Drama movie Notes for My Son, directed by Carlos Sorin & starring Carla Quevedo, Esteban Lamothe, Mauricio Dayub & Valeria Bertuccelli on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Notes for My Son

A woman with terminal cancer decides to keep a notebook full of musings on life and love for her toddler son to read after she dies.

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Its release date is Tuesday November 24, 2020

Production details

Director Carlos Sorin
Cast Carla Quevedo, Esteban Lamothe, Mauricio Dayub & Valeria Bertuccelli
Genre Drama
Country of origin Argentina
Release date 2020-11-24
Theme Cancer
Script N/A
Runtime 84 min
Homepage Notes for My Son Homepage

Other Carlos Sorin Movies on Amazon Prime

Joel | May 10th, 2018

7.0/10 | By Carlos Sorin
Argentina | Drama
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