Watch Nullpunkt online
Can you stream the Coming of age & Drama movie Nullpunkt, directed by Mihkel Ulk & starring Epp Eespäev, Henrik Kalmet, Linda Kolde & Märt Pius on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Nullpunkt
After being denounced as an outcast in school and frightened away from home by his mother's developing schizophrenia, there is no other way out for Johannes but to start improving his life by reforming himself.
Its release date is Thursday December 4, 2014
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Its release date is Thursday December 4, 2014
Production details
Director | Mihkel Ulk |
Cast | Epp Eespäev, Henrik Kalmet, Linda Kolde & Märt Pius |
Genre | Coming of age & Drama |
Country of origin | Estonia |
Release date | 2014-12-04 |
Theme | Dissociative Identity Disorder, Schizophrenia & Multiple Personalities |
Script | Margit Keerdo-Dawson, Margit Keerdo-Dawson (screenplay) & Margus Karu (novel) |
Runtime | 115 min |