Watch Oléandre online
Can you stream the Drama & Romance movie Oléandre on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Oléandre
In order to help him free himself, a psychiatrist advises his patient to write a story about his romantic relationship which seems to be the cause of his depressive disorders. Immersed in fiction, it seems indeed that this couple stands out for its toxicity...
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Its release date is Wednesday May 13, 2020
Production details
Cast | Baptiste Colin, Carmen Borde-Sevilla, Sabrina Marlaud & Victor de Berranger |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country of origin | France |
Release date | 2020-05-13 |
Theme | Antoine Bouillot, Antoinebooyo, Botanical, Flower & Love |
Costs | $747 |