Watch Passenger to London online

Can you stream the Thriller movie Passenger to London, directed by Lawrence Huntington & starring Ivan Wilmot, Jenny Laird, John Warwick & Paul Neville on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Passenger to London

This is a great B British crime film. A British agent, carrying important papers, is knifed to death on a passenger train. Before his murder, he plants to papers in the trunk of a female ...

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Its release date is Friday January 1, 1937

Production details

Director Lawrence Huntington
Cast Ivan Wilmot, Jenny Laird, John Warwick & Paul Neville
Genre Thriller
Country of origin United Kingdom
Release date 1937-01-01
Script David Evans (screen play) & David Evans (story)
Runtime 57 min

Other Lawrence Huntington Movies on Amazon Prime

Passenger to London | Jan 1st, 1937

Passenger to London
5.9/10 | By Lawrence Huntington
United Kingdom | Thriller
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video