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Can you stream the Documentary movie Pina, directed by Wim Wenders & starring Malou Airaudo, Pina Bausch, Regina Advento & Ruth Amarante on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Pina

A tribute to the late German choreographer, Pina Bausch, as her dancers perform her most famous creations.

TAGLINE: "Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost."

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Its release date is Thursday February 24, 2011

Production details

Director Wim Wenders
Cast Malou Airaudo, Pina Bausch, Regina Advento & Ruth Amarante
Genre Documentary
Country of origin France & Germany
Release date 2011-02-24
Theme Choreographer, Choreography, Dancing & Ballet, Documentary Modern Dance & Modern Dance
Location Nordrhein Westfalen
Script Wim Wenders
Music Thomas Hanreich
Costs $4,317,946
Box Office Revenue $14,624,826
Runtime 103 min


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Pina | Feb 24th, 2011

7.7/10 | By Wim Wenders
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