Watch Rainbow Time online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie Rainbow Time, directed by Linas Phillips & starring Linas Phillips, Melanie Lynskey, Timm Sharp & Tobin Bell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Rainbow Time
A developmentally delayed 40 year old man named Shonzi is sent to live with his brother Todd. But when Shonzi develops a crush on Todd's new girlfriend Lindsay, he threatens to reveal past ...
Its release date is Monday March 14, 2016
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Its release date is Monday March 14, 2016
Production details
Director | Linas Phillips |
Cast | Linas Phillips, Melanie Lynskey, Timm Sharp & Tobin Bell |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2016-03-14 |
Theme | Mental Disability, Mentally Challenged & Sibling Relationship |
Script | Linas Phillips |
Cinematography | Nathan M. Miller |
Music | Heather McIntosh |
Runtime | 91 min |