Watch Rats: Night of Terror online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Rats: Night of Terror, directed by Bruno Mattei & Claudio Fragasso & starring Geretta Geretta, Gianni Franco, Massimo Vanni & Ottaviano Dell'Acqua on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Rats: Night of Terror

In a post-apocalyptic Earth, a group of punk friends find themselves against millions of bloodthirsty rats - but the weirdest it yet to come.

TAGLINE: "Mutants of a nuclear disaster"

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Its release date is Friday August 3, 1984

Production details

Director Bruno Mattei & Claudio Fragasso
Cast Geretta Geretta, Gianni Franco, Massimo Vanni & Ottaviano Dell'Acqua
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin France & Italy
Release date 1984-08-03
Theme Post-apocalyptic, Rat, Rats & Survivor
Script Bruno Mattei (story), Claudio Fragasso (screenplay) & Hervé Piccini (screenplay)
Cinematography Franco Delli Colli
Music Luigi Ceccarelli
Runtime 97 min


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