Watch Rebecca online
Can you stream the Drama & Mystery movie Rebecca, directed by Alfred Hitchcock & starring George Sanders, Joan Fontaine, Judith Anderson & Laurence Olivier on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Rebecca
A self-conscious bride is tormented by the memory of her husband's dead first wife.
TAGLINE: "The shadow of this woman darkened their love." All streaming services available
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Its release date is Friday April 12, 1940
Production details
Director | Alfred Hitchcock |
Cast | George Sanders, Joan Fontaine, Judith Anderson & Laurence Olivier |
Genre | Drama & Mystery |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1940-04-12 |
Theme | Age Difference, Based On Book, based on novel, Bride, Cornwall, Love, Monte Carlo, Obsession, Remarriage, Secret & Widowhood |
Place setting | Cornwall & Country Houses |
Script | Daphne Du Maurier (celebrated novel), Joan Harrison (screen play), Michael Hogan (adaptation), Philip MacDonald (adaptation) & Robert E. Sherwood (screen play) |
Cinematography | George Barnes (cinematographer) |
Music | Franz Waxman |
Costs | $1,288,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $6,000,000 |
Runtime | 130 min |