Watch Respira online

Can you stream the Thriller movie Respira, directed by Gabriel Grieco & starring Joaquín Rapalini, Lautaro Delgado Tymruk, Leticia Brédice & Sofía Gala Castiglione on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Respira

Leonardo gets a job as a fumigator pilot in the soybean fields and moves with his family to the countryside. When he starts working, he discovers a dark secret that will put him and his family in danger.

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Its release date is Saturday November 23, 2019

Production details

Director Gabriel Grieco
Cast Joaquín Rapalini, Lautaro Delgado Tymruk, Leticia Brédice & Sofía Gala Castiglione
Genre Thriller
Country of origin Argentina
Release date 2019-11-23
Script Gabriel Grieco
Runtime 77 min


Other Gabriel Grieco Movies on Amazon Prime

Respira | Nov 23rd, 2019

6.7/10 | By Gabriel Grieco
Argentina | Thriller
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video iTunes