Watch Samsara online
Can you stream the Documentary, Drama & Musical movie Samsara, directed by Ron Fricke & starring Marcos Luna, Ni Made Megahadi Pratiwi, Puti Sri Candra Dewi & Putu Dinda Pratika on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Samsara
Filmed over nearly five years in twenty-five countries on five continents, and shot on seventy-millimetre film, Samsara transports us to the varied worlds of sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial complexes, and natural wonders.
Its release date is Friday September 16, 2011
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Its release date is Friday September 16, 2011
Production details
Director | Ron Fricke |
Cast | Marcos Luna, Ni Made Megahadi Pratiwi, Puti Sri Candra Dewi & Putu Dinda Pratika |
Genre | Documentary, Drama & Musical |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2011-09-16 |
Theme | Around The World, Balance, Documentary Spirituality, Eating, Modern Life, Moonrise, Skyline & Sunset |
Script | Mark Magidson (concept and treatment written by) & Ron Fricke (concept and treatment written by) |
Cinematography | Ron Fricke |
Music | Michael Stearns |
Costs | $4,000,000 |
Runtime | 102 min |