Watch School Life online
Can you stream the Documentary movie School Life, directed by David Rane & Neasa Ní Chianáin & starring on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: School Life
Long careers are drawing to a close for John and Amanda, who teach Latin, English, and guitar at a stately home-turned-school, where they are legends with a mantra: "Reading. 'Rithmetic. Rock 'n' roll!" But leaving is the hardest les
TAGLINE: "Leaving is the hardest lesson to learn..." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday March 6, 2019
Production details
Director | David Rane & Neasa Ní Chianáin |
Genre | Documentary |
Country of origin | Ireland |
Release date | 2019-03-06 |
Theme | Boarding School, Education, Educators, Ireland & Teaching |
Place setting | Schools |
Script | David Rane & Neasa Ní Chianáin |
Runtime | 99 min |
Homepage | School Life Homepage |