Watch Seven Boxes online

Can you stream the Horror movie Seven Boxes, directed by Andrew Sean Eltham-Byers & starring Brinke Stevens, Heather Russell-Kay, Jesse James Reynolds & Josh Boden on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Seven Boxes

7 People, 7 Hours, 7 Deadly Boxes. Past events have brought them together and they must now figure out why in order to survive.

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Its release date is Thursday July 16, 2020

Production details

Director Andrew Sean Eltham-Byers
Cast Brinke Stevens, Heather Russell-Kay, Jesse James Reynolds & Josh Boden
Genre Horror
Release date 2020-07-16
Theme Organ Transplantation Fiction & Suicide
Place setting Los Angeles
Location Los Angeles & Los Angeles County
Script Andrew Sean Eltham-Byers
Costs $5,000
Runtime 90 min