Watch Sheborg Massacre online

Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Science Fiction movie Sheborg Massacre, directed by Daniel Armstrong & starring Joshua Black, Kirsten Betts, Kristen Condon & Maggie Chretien on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Sheborg Massacre

When an alien fugitive crash lands into a local puppy farm and begins turning people into machines that feed on puppy flesh, Dylan and her BFF Eddie have to decide whether or not to take on the SheBorg menace, and save the world.

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Its release date is Monday July 4, 2016

Production details

Director Daniel Armstrong
Cast Joshua Black, Kirsten Betts, Kristen Condon & Maggie Chretien
Genre Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
Release date 2016-07-04
Theme Alien Invasions
Script Daniel Armstrong
Runtime 90 min


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