Watch Sherman’s March online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Sherman’s March, directed by Ross McElwee & starring Charleen Swansea, Dede McElwee, Patricia Rendleman & Ross McElwee on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Sherman’s March

Ross McElwee sets out to make a documentary about the lingering effects of General Sherman's march of destruction through the South during the Civil War, but is continually sidetracked by ...

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Its release date is Wednesday November 13, 1985

Production details

Director Ross McElwee
Cast Charleen Swansea, Dede McElwee, Patricia Rendleman & Ross McElwee
Genre Documentary
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1985-11-13
Theme Musical
Location Vancouver
Script Ross McElwee
Cinematography Tak Fujimoto
Runtime 157 min
