Watch Sicko online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Sicko, directed by Michael Moore & starring Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton & Michael Moore on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Sicko

A documentary comparing the highly profitable American health care industry to other nations, and HMO horror stories including shotgun deaths.

TAGLINE: "This might hurt a little."

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Its release date is Friday May 18, 2007

Production details

Director Michael Moore
Cast Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton & Michael Moore
Genre Documentary
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2007-05-18
Theme Assurance, Bureaucracy, Corruption, Cuba, Documentary Health Care, Guantanamo Bay, Health Care, Medicine & Usa
Location Canada & Cuba
Script Michael Moore
Costs $9,000,000
Box Office Revenue $24,538,513
Runtime 123 min


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