Watch Slumber Party Massacre III online

Can you stream the Comedy & Horror movie Slumber Party Massacre III, directed by Sally Mattison & starring Brittain Frye, Hope Marie Carlton, Keely Christian & Maria Ford on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Slumber Party Massacre III

Jackie Cassidy and her friends are stalked by a serial killer while having a slumber party.

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Its release date is Friday September 7, 1990

Production details

Director Sally Mattison
Cast Brittain Frye, Hope Marie Carlton, Keely Christian & Maria Ford
Genre Comedy & Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1990-09-07
Theme Mass Murder Fiction, Psychopaths, Slasher, Stalking & Woman Director
Place setting Los Angeles
Location Los Angeles & Venice, California
Script Catherine Cyran (screenplay)
Cinematography Jürgen Baum & Stephen L. Posey
Music Jamie Sheriff & Ralph Jones
Runtime 87 min


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