Watch Solitary online

Can you stream the Science Fiction movie Solitary, directed by Luke Armstrong & starring Brian Bovell, Connie Jenkins-Greig, Johnny Sachon & Lottie Tolhurst on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Solitary

'Solitary' is a contained sci-fi film about a man who wakes up inside a room to discover he's a prisoner sent into space to form Earth's first colony, and worse - his cell mate Alana is hell bent on destroying everything.

TAGLINE: "The greatest punishment imaginable."

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Its release date is Friday September 24, 2021

Production details

Director Luke Armstrong
Cast Brian Bovell, Connie Jenkins-Greig, Johnny Sachon & Lottie Tolhurst
Genre Science Fiction
Country of origin United Kingdom
Release date 2021-09-24
Script Luke Armstrong
Runtime 89 min
Homepage Solitary Homepage
