Watch Split Images online
Can you stream the Mystery, Thriller & TV Movie movie Split Images, directed by Sheldon Larry & starring Gregory Harrison, Maury Chaykin, Nicholas Campbell & Rebecca Jenkins on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Split Images
A journalist knows more about a grisly murder than is good for her. All her evidence points toward a mysterious millionaire but no one will believe her.
Its release date is Wednesday January 1, 1992
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Its release date is Wednesday January 1, 1992
Production details
Director | Sheldon Larry |
Cast | Gregory Harrison, Maury Chaykin, Nicholas Campbell & Rebecca Jenkins |
Genre | Mystery, Thriller & TV Movie |
Country of origin | Canada |
Release date | 1992-01-01 |
Place setting | Future & London |
Time setting | 2008 |
Location | London |
Script | Elmore Leonard (novel), Pete Hamill (teleplay) & Vera Appleyard (teleplay) |
Runtime | 90 min |