Watch Stitches online

Can you stream the Horror movie Stitches, directed by Conor McMahon & starring Gemma-Leah Devereux, John McDonnell, Ross Noble & Tommy Knight on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Stitches

A clown comes back from the dead to haunt those who took his life during a fatal party mishap.

TAGLINE: "You'll die laughing..."

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Its release date is Saturday May 19, 2012

Production details

Director Conor McMahon
Cast Gemma-Leah Devereux, John McDonnell, Ross Noble & Tommy Knight
Genre Horror
Country of origin Ireland
Release date 2012-05-19
Theme British Revenge, Dark Comedy, Horror Clowns, Killer Clown, Revenge Killing, Slapstick, Slaughter, Supernatural Creature & Teen angst
Time setting 2006 & 2012
Location Ireland
Script Conor McMahon & David O'Brien
Costs $100,000
Box Office Revenue $95,000
Runtime 86 min


Other Conor McMahon Movies on Amazon Prime

Stitches | May 19th, 2012

5.6/10 | By Conor McMahon
Ireland | Horror
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