Watch Street Trash online

Can you stream the Comedy & Horror movie Street Trash, directed by James M. Muro & starring Bill Chepil, Mark Sferrazza, Mike Lackey & Vic Noto on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Street Trash

A liquor store owner sells alcoholic beverages to homeless people, unaware of what the bottles actually contain: toxic brew.

TAGLINE: "Things in New York are about to go down the toilet..."

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Its release date is Saturday May 9, 1987

Production details

Director James M. Muro
Cast Bill Chepil, Mark Sferrazza, Mike Lackey & Vic Noto
Genre Comedy & Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1987-05-09
Theme Castration, Junkyard, Liquor Store, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Shoplifting, Stealing, Toxic & Vietnam Veteran
Place setting New York City
Script Roy Frumkes
Music Rick Ulfik
Runtime 91 min


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