Watch Sztos online

Can you stream the Action, Comedy & Crime movie Sztos, directed by Olaf Lubaszenko & starring Cezary Pazura, Ewa Gawryluk, Jan Nowicki & Janusz Józefowicz on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Sztos

Two friends recall the PRL. After serving time in jail, they took up an illegal currency exchange. Cheated by partner - they decide to take revenge. Preparations take many months, but the action ends differently than it was planned.

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Its release date is Friday August 22, 1997

Production details

Director Olaf Lubaszenko
Cast Cezary Pazura, Ewa Gawryluk, Jan Nowicki & Janusz Józefowicz
Genre Action, Comedy & Crime
Country of origin Poland
Release date 1997-08-22
Script Jerzy Kolasa
Runtime 86 min

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