Watch Tales From the Dark online

Can you stream the Animation, Documentary & Horror movie Tales From the Dark on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Tales From the Dark

A collection of animations, bringing to life talking heads of people recounting nightmares. In the first, a girl escapes her school as it is invaded by monsters. In the second an account of sleep paralysis. In the third a boy finds a warehouse of demonic pigs under his bed.

TAGLINE: "Something's under the bed..."

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Its release date is Sunday February 28, 2021

Production details

Cast Alice West, Jacob Lyon & Matthew Newton
Genre Animation, Documentary & Horror
Release date 2021-02-28
Theme Animated Dragons, Animated Horror, Dragons, Dragons Popular Culture, Fiction Murder, Fiction Regicide, Giant Fly, God Complexes Fiction, Patricide Fiction, Scary Pigs & Sleep Paralysis
Costs $68

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