Watch Tamara online
Can you stream the Fantasy, Horror & Thriller movie Tamara, directed by Jeremy Haft & starring Chad Faust, Jenna Dewan, Katie Stuart & Marc Devigne on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Tamara
Tamara, an unattractive girl, who is picked on by her peers returns after her death as a sexy seductress to exact revenge.
TAGLINE: "Revenge has a killer body." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday May 12, 2005
Production details
Director | Jeremy Haft |
Cast | Chad Faust, Jenna Dewan, Katie Stuart & Marc Devigne |
Genre | Fantasy, Horror & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2005-05-12 |
Theme | Bullying, Dying And Death, High School, Revenge, Vampire & Witchcraft |
Place setting | Illinois |
Location | Winnipeg |
Script | Jeffrey Reddick |
Cinematography | Scott Kevan |
Music | Michael Suby |
Costs | $4,750,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $206,871 |
Runtime | 98 min |