Watch Tequila Sunrise online

Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Crime movie Tequila Sunrise, directed by Robert Towne & starring J.T. Walsh, Kurt Russell, Mel Gibson & Michelle Pfeiffer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Tequila Sunrise

A former L.A. drug dealer tries to go straight but his past and his underworld connections bring him into the focus of the DEA, the Mexican feds and the Mexican drug cartels.

TAGLINE: "A business on the line. A friendship on the edge. A woman caught in the middle."

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Its release date is Friday December 2, 1988

Production details

Director Robert Towne
Cast J.T. Walsh, Kurt Russell, Mel Gibson & Michelle Pfeiffer
Genre Action, Adventure & Crime
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1988-12-02
Theme Best Friend, California, Cocaine, Cop, Drug Dealer, Illegal Drug Trade, Mexican Drug Cartels, Restaurant, Restaurant Owner, Seaside Town & Shadowing
Script Robert Towne
Cinematography Conrad L. Hall
Music Dave Grusin
Costs $23,000,000
Runtime 115 min


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