Watch The Abyss online

Can you stream the Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-fi & Thriller movie The Abyss, directed by James Cameron & starring Ed Harris, Leo Burmester, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio & Michael Biehn on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Abyss

A civilian diving team is enlisted to search for a lost nuclear submarine and face danger while encountering an alien aquatic species.

TAGLINE: "There's everything you've ever known about adventure, and then there's The Abyss."

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Its release date is Wednesday August 9, 1989

Production details

Director James Cameron
Cast Ed Harris, Leo Burmester, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio & Michael Biehn
Genre Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-fi & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1989-08-09
Theme Alien Life-form, Aliens, Cruelty To Animals Fiction, Diving Suit, Flying Saucer, Insanity, Nuclear Missile, Ocean, Scuba Diving, Sea, Ships, Submarines & Sailing & Underwater Civilizations Fiction
Location California, Missouri, North Carolina & South Carolina
Script James Cameron
Cinematography Mikael Salomon
Music Alan Silvestri
Costs $70,000,000
Box Office Revenue $90,000,098
Runtime 145 min


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