Watch The Au Pair Nightmare online

Can you stream the movie The Au Pair Nightmare, directed by Joe Russo & starring Annie Heise, Brytnee Ratledge, Trevor Donovan & Tristan Thomas on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Au Pair Nightmare

Trying to leave behind the memories of her fiancé, Taylor becomes an au pair for an out-of-state couple and their 8-year old daughter - but there's a dark secret behind every perfect family.

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Its release date is Sunday May 17, 2020

Production details

Director Joe Russo
Cast Annie Heise, Brytnee Ratledge, Trevor Donovan & Tristan Thomas
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2020-05-17
Theme Child abuse, Nightmares, Sleep Disorders & Suburbia
Place setting Ohio
Time setting 1981
Location Venice, California
Script Chris LaMont & Joe Russo
Runtime N/A
Homepage The Au Pair Nightmare Homepage

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