Watch The Boss online

Can you stream the Comedy movie The Boss, directed by Ben Falcone & starring Kathy Bates, Kristen Bell, Melissa McCarthy & Peter Dinklage on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Boss

A titan of industry is sent to prison after she's caught insider trading. When she emerges ready to rebrand herself as America's latest sweetheart, not everyone she screwed over is so quick to forgive and forget.

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Its release date is Thursday April 7, 2016

Production details

Director Ben Falcone
Cast Kathy Bates, Kristen Bell, Melissa McCarthy & Peter Dinklage
Genre Comedy
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2016-04-07
Theme Business Woman, Duringcreditsstinger, Ex-con & Girl Scouts
Place setting Chicago
Location Atlanta & Chicago
Script Ben Falcone, Melissa McCarthy & Steve Mallory
Cinematography Julio Macat
Music Christopher Lennertz
Costs $29,000,000
Box Office Revenue $78,636,257
Runtime 99 min


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