Watch The Brave Class online

Can you stream the Documentary movie The Brave Class, directed by Victor Alonso Berbel & starring on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Brave Class

Reality changes according to the words we use to define it. The Brave Class is an experimental documentary investigating the importance of political language in our way of understanding the...

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Its release date is Friday June 2, 2017

Production details

Director Victor Alonso Berbel
Genre Documentary
Release date 2017-06-02
Theme Communication, Firefighting, Journalism, Language, Political Activism, Political Campaign & Politics
Place setting Arizona
Time setting 2013
Location New Mexico
Script Borja Barrera Allué, Jan Matheu & Victor Alonso Berbel
Runtime N/A
Homepage The Brave Class Homepage


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The Brave Class | Jun 2nd, 2017

The Brave Class
8.1/10 | By Victor Alonso Berbel
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video