Watch The Children Act online
Can you stream the Drama movie The Children Act, directed by Richard Eyre & starring Ben Chaplin, Emma Thompson, Fionn Whitehead & Stanley Tucci on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Children Act
As her marriage crumbles, a judge must decide a case involving a teenage boy who is refusing a blood transfusion on religious principle.
TAGLINE: "We all make choices. Hers make history." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday March 29, 2018
Production details
Director | Richard Eyre |
Cast | Ben Chaplin, Emma Thompson, Fionn Whitehead & Stanley Tucci |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Release date | 2018-03-29 |
Location | London |
Script | Ian McEwan (based on the novel by) & Ian McEwan (screenplay by) |
Cinematography | Andrew Dunn (cinematographer) |
Music | Stephen Warbeck |
Runtime | 105 min |