Watch The Crossing Guard online
Can you stream the Drama & Thriller movie The Crossing Guard, directed by Sean Penn & starring Anjelica Huston, David Morse, Jack Nicholson & Robin Wright on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Crossing Guard
Freddy Gale is a seedy jeweller who has sworn to kill the drunk driver who killed his little girl.
TAGLINE: "...some lives cross, others collide." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday November 15, 1995
Production details
Director | Sean Penn |
Cast | Anjelica Huston, David Morse, Jack Nicholson & Robin Wright |
Genre | Drama & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1995-11-15 |
Theme | Atonement, Grieving, Hit And Run, Independent Film, Loss Of Loved One, Revenge, Suspense & Tragedy |
Place setting | Los Angeles |
Script | Sean Penn |
Cinematography | Vilmos Zsigmond |
Music | Jack Nitzsche |
Runtime | 111 min |