Watch The Cured online

Can you stream the Drama, Horror & Science Fiction movie The Cured, directed by David Freyne & starring Ellen Page, Sam Keeley, Stuart Graham & Tom Vaughan-Lawlor on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Cured

A disease that turns people into zombies has been cured. The once-infected zombies are discriminated against by society and their own families, which causes social issues to arise. This leads to militant government interference.

TAGLINE: "The cure is just the beginning"

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Its release date is Friday February 23, 2018

Production details

Director David Freyne
Cast Ellen Page, Sam Keeley, Stuart Graham & Tom Vaughan-Lawlor
Genre Drama, Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin Ireland
Release date 2018-02-23
Theme Cure, Disease, Flashback, Infection, Military, Pack & Zombie
Script David Freyne
Cinematography Piers McGrail
Music * Rory Friers * Niall Kennedy
Runtime 95 min


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