Watch The Fear Footage 3AM online

Can you stream the Horror movie The Fear Footage 3AM, directed by Ricky Umberger & starring Alex Ahmer, Dennis Frazier & Ricky Umberger on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Fear Footage 3AM

Dennis Rosen disappeared on September 19th, 2020, while filming an episode for his urban exploration channel. He was exploring Darkbluff, Maryland. A town that authorities discovered ...

TAGLINE: "You've witnessed the tape...You've witnessed the curse...Now witness the end."

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Its release date is Friday March 19, 2021

Production details

Director Ricky Umberger
Cast Alex Ahmer, Dennis Frazier & Ricky Umberger
Genre Horror
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2021-03-19
Theme Found Footage, Maryland, Missing Person, Supernatural & Trilogy
Script Ricky Umberger
Costs $2,000
Runtime 71 min
Homepage The Fear Footage 3AM Homepage
