Watch The Hills Have Eyes online

Can you stream the Horror movie The Hills Have Eyes, directed by Martin Weisz & Wes Craven & starring James Whitworth, John Steadman, Martin Speer & Russ Grieve on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Hills Have Eyes

On the way to California, a family has the misfortune to have their car break down in an area closed to the public, and inhabited by violent savages ready to attack.

TAGLINE: "A nice American family. They didn't want to kill. But they didn't want to die."

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Its release date is Friday July 22, 1977

Production details

Director Martin Weisz & Wes Craven
Cast James Whitworth, John Steadman, Martin Speer & Russ Grieve
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1977-07-22
Theme Blood, Cannibal, Cannibalism Fiction, Desert, Dog, Government, Incest, Murder, Mutation, Obscenity Controversies & Rape
Place setting Nevada
Location Morocco
Script Wes Craven
Cinematography Eric Saarinen & Sam McCurdy
Music Don Peake & Trevor Morris (musician)
Costs $230,000
Box Office Revenue $25,000,000
Runtime 89 min


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The Hills Have Eyes | Jul 22nd, 1977

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6.4/10 | By Martin Weisz & Wes Craven
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The Hills Have Eyes | Jul 22nd, 1977

The Hills Have Eyes
6.4/10 | By Martin Weisz & Wes Craven
The United States | Horror
Amazon Video Hulu Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft iTunes Showtime Fandor