Watch The Killers online
Can you stream the Crime, Drama & Mystery movie The Killers, directed by Robert Siodmak & starring Albert Dekker, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster & Edmond O'Brien on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Killers
Hit men kill an unresisting victim, and investigator Reardon uncovers his past involvement with beautiful, deadly Kitty Collins.
TAGLINE: "She's a match for any mobster!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday August 28, 1946
Production details
Director | Robert Siodmak |
Cast | Albert Dekker, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster & Edmond O'Brien |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Mystery |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1946-08-28 |
Theme | Attempted Robbery, Boxer, Femme Fatale, Gas Station, Heist, Insurance Investigator, Murder & Small town |
Place setting | New Jersey |
Script | Anthony Veiller (screenplay) & Ernest Hemingway (from the story by) |
Cinematography | Elwood Bredell |
Music | Miklós Rózsa |
Runtime | 103 min |