Movies like The Killers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Mystery movie The Killers with Albert Dekker, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster & Edmond O'Brien & created by Robert Siodmak?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Killers?

Hit men kill an unresisting victim, and investigator Reardon uncovers his past involvement with beautiful, deadly Kitty Collins.

TAGLINE: "She's a match for any mobster!"

Its release date is Wednesday August 28, 1946

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Attempted Robbery, Boxer, Femme Fatale, Gas Station, Heist, Insurance Investigator, Murder & Small town
Genre Crime, Drama & Mystery
Country The United States
Director Robert Siodmak
Starring Albert Dekker, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster & Edmond O'Brien
Place New Jersey
Written by Anthony Veiller (screenplay) & Ernest Hemingway (from the story by)
Cinematography Elwood Bredell
Music Miklós Rózsa
Runtime 103 min

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The Spiral Staircase
7.4/10 | By Robert Siodmak
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7.6/10 | By Robert Siodmak
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