Watch The Last Word online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie The Last Word, directed by Mark Pellington & starring Amanda Seyfried, Anne Heche, Shirley MacLaine & Thomas Sadoski on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Last Word
Harriet is a retired businesswoman who tries to control everything around her. When she decides to write her own obituary, a young journalist takes up the task of finding out the truth resulting in a life-altering friendship.
TAGLINE: "An unexpected friendship that began at the end." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday March 3, 2017
Production details
Director | Mark Pellington |
Cast | Amanda Seyfried, Anne Heche, Shirley MacLaine & Thomas Sadoski |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2017-03-03 |
Theme | Advertising Executive, Friendship, Obituary, Obituary Writer, Radio Dj, Road Trip, Suicide Attempt & Vandalism |
Script | Stuart Ross Fink |
Cinematography | Eric Koretz |
Music | Nathan Matthew David |
Box Office Revenue | $1,783,421 |
Runtime | 108 min |
Homepage | The Last Word Homepage |