Watch The Lovers and the Despot online

Can you stream the Documentary movie The Lovers and the Despot, directed by Robert Cannan & Ross Adam & starring Paul Courtenay Hyu on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Lovers and the Despot

The story of the South Korean actor, Choi Eun-hee, and her ex-husband and film director, Shin Sang-ok, who were individually kidnapped and reunited by dictator and film fan Kim Jong-il to force them to develop North Korea's film industry.

TAGLINE: "They were kidnapped by their biggest fan"

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Its release date is Friday September 23, 2016

Production details

Director Robert Cannan & Ross Adam
Cast Paul Courtenay Hyu
Genre Documentary
Release date 2016-09-23
Theme Dictator, Documentary Directors Producers, Documentary North Korea, Kidnapping & Love
Place setting North Korea
Location South Korea
Script Robert Cannan & Ross Adam
Music Nathan Halpern
Runtime 98 min


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