Watch The Man with Nine Lives online

Can you stream the Science Fiction movie The Man with Nine Lives, directed by Nick Grinde & starring Boris Karloff, Jo Ann Sayers, Roger Pryor & Stanley Brown on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Man with Nine Lives

A medical researcher visits the deserted home of a pioneer in cryogenic science who disappeared 10 years earlier and finds him frozen in ice but still alive.

TAGLINE: "He kills in the name of science...Tombs of ice for the living...Chambers of horror for the dead!"

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Its release date is Thursday April 18, 1940

Production details

Director Nick Grinde
Cast Boris Karloff, Jo Ann Sayers, Roger Pryor & Stanley Brown
Genre Science Fiction
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1940-04-18
Theme Cancer, Cryogenics, Frozen Alive, Glacier, Ice Cave, Revenge Motive & Scientific Experiment
Script Harold Shumate (story) & Karl Brown (screen play)
Cinematography Benjamin H. Kline
Runtime 74 min

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