Watch The Party online

Can you stream the Comedy movie The Party, directed by Blake Edwards & starring Claudine Longet, Jean Carson, Natalia Borisova & Peter Sellers on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Party

A clerical mistake results in a bumbling Indian film star being invited to an exclusive Hollywood party instead of being fired.

TAGLINE: "If you've ever been to a wilder party... you're under arrest!"

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Its release date is Thursday April 4, 1968

Production details

Director Blake Edwards
Cast Claudine Longet, Jean Carson, Natalia Borisova & Peter Sellers
Genre Comedy
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 1968-04-04
Theme Actors, Movie Business & Party
Place setting Country Houses & Los Angeles
Script Blake Edwards (screenplay), Blake Edwards (story), Frank Waldman (screenplay) & Tom Waldman (screenplay)
Costs $1,500,000
Runtime 99 min


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Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Tubi TV Starz