Watch The Puppet Masters online

Can you stream the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie The Puppet Masters, directed by David Schmoeller & Stuart Orme & starring Donald Sutherland, Eric Thal, Julie Warner & Keith David on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Puppet Masters

The Earth is invaded by stingray-shaped alien "slugs" that ride on people's backs and control their minds.

TAGLINE: "Trust No One"

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Its release date is Friday October 21, 1994

Production details

Director David Schmoeller & Stuart Orme
Cast Donald Sutherland, Eric Thal, Julie Warner & Keith David
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1994-10-21
Theme Alien Invasions & Central Intelligence Agency
Place setting Hotels & Iowa
Time setting 1939
Script David S. Goyer (screenplay), Robert A. Heinlein (novel), Ted Elliott (screenplay) & Terry Rossio (screenplay)
Cinematography Sergio Salvati
Music Colin Towns & Richard Band
Box Office Revenue $8,638,072
Runtime 109 min


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