Watch The Siamese Bond online

Can you stream the Drama movie The Siamese Bond, directed by Paula Hernández & starring Rita Cortese, Sebastián Arzeno, Sergio Prina & Valeria Lois on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Siamese Bond

Estela and her mother Clota must travel from Junín, where they live, to the town of Costa Bonita, in Necochea, to see some apartments that Estela's father left her.

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Its release date is Saturday March 6, 2021

Production details

Director Paula Hernández
Cast Rita Cortese, Sebastián Arzeno, Sergio Prina & Valeria Lois
Genre Drama
Country of origin Argentina
Release date 2021-03-06
Theme James Bond
Script Leonel D'Agostino & Paula Hernández
Runtime 80 min

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