Watch The Thief Lord online

Can you stream the Adventure & Science Fiction movie The Thief Lord, directed by Richard Claus & starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Alice Connor, Jasper Harris & Rollo Weeks on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Thief Lord

After their mother dies, two boys flee their mean aunt and head for Venice, Italy, where they meet Scipio, the mysterious "Thief Lord." Along with a small gang of abandoned kids, the boys start robbing the rich to support themselves.

TAGLINE: "Magic is just around the corner."

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Its release date is Wednesday January 4, 2006

Production details

Director Richard Claus
Cast Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Alice Connor, Jasper Harris & Rollo Weeks
Genre Adventure & Science Fiction
Country of origin Germany
Release date 2006-01-04
Theme Abuse, Bullying, Children, Children Gang, Detective, Dysfunctional Families, Island, Prejudice, Private Detective, Rapid Human Age Change Fiction, Secret, Siblings & Venice, Italy
Script Cornelia Funke (based on the novel by), Daniel Musgrave (screenplay) & Richard Claus (screenplay)
Runtime 98 min


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