Movies like The Thief Lord to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Science Fiction movie The Thief Lord with Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Alice Connor, Jasper Harris & Rollo Weeks & created by Richard Claus?

Movies like The Thief Lord with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Thief Lord?

After their mother dies, two boys flee their mean aunt and head for Venice, Italy, where they meet Scipio, the mysterious "Thief Lord." Along with a small gang of abandoned kids, the boys start robbing the rich to support themselves.

TAGLINE: "Magic is just around the corner."

Its release date is Wednesday January 4, 2006

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Abuse, Bullying, Children, Children Gang, Detective, Dysfunctional Families, Island, Italy, Prejudice, Private Detective, Rapid Human Age Change Fiction, Secret, Siblings & Venice
Genre Adventure & Science Fiction
Country Germany
Director Richard Claus
Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Alice Connor, Jasper Harris & Rollo Weeks
Written by Cornelia Funke (based on the novel by), Daniel Musgrave (screenplay) & Richard Claus (screenplay)
Runtime 98 min

Other Adventure movies by Richard Claus