Watch The Wild Blue Yonder online
Can you stream the Documentary, Drama & Science Fiction movie The Wild Blue Yonder, directed by Werner Herzog & starring Brad Dourif, Donald Williams, Ellen Baker & Franklin Chang-Diaz on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Wild Blue Yonder
An alien narrates the story of his dying planet, his and his people's visits to Earth and Earth's man-made demise, while human astronauts attempt to find an alternate planet for surviving humans to live on.
Its release date is Monday September 5, 2005
All streaming services available
Its release date is Monday September 5, 2005
Production details
Director | Werner Herzog |
Cast | Brad Dourif, Donald Williams, Ellen Baker & Franklin Chang-Diaz |
Genre | Documentary, Drama & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | Germany |
Release date | 2005-09-05 |
Theme | Alien, Extraterrestrial Technology & Independent Film |
Location | Antarctica |
Script | Werner Herzog |
Cinematography | Henry Kaiser |
Music | Mola Sylla |
Runtime | 80 min |
Homepage | The Wild Blue Yonder Homepage |