Watch The Yankles online
Can you stream the Comedy movie The Yankles, directed by David R. Brooks & starring Bart Johnson, Brian Wimmer, Don Most & Michael Buster on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Yankles
About Charlie Jones, a washed up, ex major league ballplayer, and how he gets a second chance at life and love by managing a Jewish, orthodox yeshiva baseball team.
TAGLINE: "They Came. They Prayed. They Played!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Sunday November 15, 2009
Production details
Director | David R. Brooks |
Cast | Bart Johnson, Brian Wimmer, Don Most & Michael Buster |
Genre | Comedy |
Release date | 2009-11-15 |
Theme | Jews Judaism, Orthodox Hasidic Jews & Sports |
Script | David R. Brooks & Zev Brooks |
Runtime | 115 min |