Watch The Yankles online

Can you stream the Comedy movie The Yankles, directed by David R. Brooks & starring Bart Johnson, Brian Wimmer, Don Most & Michael Buster on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Yankles

About Charlie Jones, a washed up, ex major league ballplayer, and how he gets a second chance at life and love by managing a Jewish, orthodox yeshiva baseball team.

TAGLINE: "They Came. They Prayed. They Played!"

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Its release date is Sunday November 15, 2009

Production details

Director David R. Brooks
Cast Bart Johnson, Brian Wimmer, Don Most & Michael Buster
Genre Comedy
Release date 2009-11-15
Theme Jews Judaism, Orthodox Hasidic Jews & Sports
Script David R. Brooks & Zev Brooks
Runtime 115 min

Other David R. Brooks Movies on Amazon Prime

The Yankles | Nov 15th, 2009

The Yankles
5.1/10 | By David R. Brooks
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