Watch To All a Goodnight online

Can you stream the Horror movie To All a Goodnight, directed by David Hess & starring Forrest Swanson, Jennifer Runyon, Linda Gentile & William Lauer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: To All a Goodnight

A group of teenagers at a party find themselves being stalked by a maniacal killer in a Santa Claus costume.

TAGLINE: "You'll Scream 'til Dawn"

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Amazon Prime Video Starz
Its release date is Wednesday January 30, 1980

Production details

Director David Hess
Cast Forrest Swanson, Jennifer Runyon, Linda Gentile & William Lauer
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1980-01-30
Theme Ax, Christmas, Killer Santa Claus, Murder, Revenge, Santa Claus & Slasher
Script Alex Rebar (screenplay)
Cinematography Bil Godsey
Music Richard Tufo
Costs $70,000
Runtime 87 min


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