Watch U-571 online
Can you stream the Action, Drama & Thriller movie U-571, directed by Jonathan Mostow & starring Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi & Matthew McConaughey on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: U-571
A German submarine is boarded by disguised American submariners trying to capture their Enigma cipher machine.
TAGLINE: "Heroes are ordinary men who do extraordinary things in extraordinary times." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday April 20, 2000
Production details
Director | Jonathan Mostow |
Cast | Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi & Matthew McConaughey |
Genre | Action, Drama & Thriller |
Country of origin | France & The United States |
Release date | 2000-04-20 |
Theme | Mission, North Atlantic, Submarine, United States Navy & World War Ii |
Script | David Ayer (screenplay), Jonathan Mostow (screenplay), Jonathan Mostow (story) & Sam Montgomery (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Oliver Wood (cinematographer) |
Music | Richard Marvin (composer) |
Costs | $62,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $127,666,415 |
Runtime | 116 min |