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Can you stream the Drama movie Under Age, directed by Larry Buchanan & starring Annabelle Weenick, George Edgley, George Russell & Judy Adler on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Under Age

A trial melodrama about a mother who encourages her 14 year old daughter to have sex with a 16 year old Mexican boy.

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Its release date is Sunday March 1, 1964

Production details

Director Larry Buchanan
Cast Annabelle Weenick, George Edgley, George Russell & Judy Adler
Genre Drama
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 1964-03-01
Script Harold Hoffman & Larry Buchanan
Runtime 90 min

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Under Age | Mar 1st, 1964

Under Age
3.7/10 | By Larry Buchanan
United States of America | Drama
Amazon Prime Video